Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Island Beach State Park, New Jersey
Fall 2011
"Who is staring at the sea is already sailing a little."
-- Paul Carvel --
I'm sure every parent experiences plenty of firsts.
This picture was taken during Winnies first day at the beach.
She had never experienced walking on sand and how it moved under her,
Or waves that come crashing at her faster then she could run.
She is a mountain puppy,
Solid dirty below her feet,
And slow moving streams.
At about six months that's all she knew.
She had a blast on the beach that day,
She would dig holes looking for the bottom,
And then look at them as the filled with water.
I think it impacted her for life.
A few weeks later we got our first snow fall.
She went running outside to play in this weird white stuff.
I think she thought it was sand,
Because when she started to dig and hit dirt she ran away,
And barked at the dirt patch like it had done something wrong.
Now when we take her to the woods,
And she comes across water she approaches a lot slower,
Once she reaches the waters edge,
She starts digging and watching the water fill the hole.
I have many great memories of her firsts,
But the beach on the over cast day is one of my favorites.

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