Monday, July 22, 2013

A Lost Mother

Montague, NJ
July 2013
"I'm an outdoors girl - I like to go fishing,
riding four-wheelers, hunting."
~Miranda Lambert~
Everyday we get a visitor,
She arrives alone,
Eats alone,
Leaves alone.
You can see the weight loss because of over population.
She will either fatten up or pass away.
Its is an upsetting sight to see everyday.
Especially since this spring she had a little one.
Then one morning she arrived alone.
The only conclusion I can come up with,
Her little one didn't make it across the street.
You see the amount of deer strikes by cars is amazing.
And this mom must have watched it happen.
I'm hoping this fall she meets up with others,
And starts to have something to live for again.
And yes my husband hunts,
We eat what he kills,
And I'm proud that he helps control the population.
This mother lost her baby not by a gun,
But by the most common weapon used against them,
Her baby was hit by a car.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Pittsburgh PA
July 16, 2007
"It take courage to grow up and become who you really are."
~E. E. Cummings~
There are few people who come into your life that truly change you.
21 years ago one of my dearest friends welcomed such a person into this world.
His son has changed me unlike he knows just by being himself.
As I watched him grow up in pictures and rare visits,
This young man took on an important part in my life.
He is and always will be very special to me.
I remember our first conversation between just him and I.
It was New Years and I was laying on the sofa late at night.
He hadn't said much to me that night but finally he did.
No one else was awake and we got to know each other.
Over the next few days I slowly gained his trust,
And our friendship began to grow.
In 2007 he turned 16 and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
The seven hour drive was worth every mile,
Not only did I get to be there for his first tattoo,
We got to go to the zoo and go on the Just Ducky Tour,
And I took him out for a special birthday dinner.
Today he is turning 21 and I can't believe how much time flew by.
I'm so proud of the young man he has become,
And I know he is going to go far in his life no matter what he does.
I know life hasn't always been easy,
But know that I love you and will always be here for you.
Happy Birthday My Little Craig!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Country State Of Mind

MetLife Stadium
 Well its funny how it's the little things in life
that mean the most
Not where you live or what you drive or
the price tag on your clothes
There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind
this I've come to know 
~Chicken Fry - Zac Brown Band~

Every once in a while someone has to remind me I'm in Jersey.
See I have a country state of mind and I love that.
To make things even worse go to a country concert at MetLife Stadium.
Located in the Meadowlands of New Jersey
Miles outside of New York City.
I got that chance a few years ago when I headed over with a two of my friends,
And my niece Daisy Mae aka Vickie.
What a great show it was even though it rained.
The concert was amazing and everyone had such a blast.
Its moments like those that I know I'm a country girl at heart.
See I grew up a mile from that stadium,
When it was Giant Stadium I saw amazing concerts
Such as Rolling Stones and Oz Feast there.
I still would go see those shows there,
But deep down inside country music has always been my favorite.
I was that girl that would blast Alabama and sing along
Meanwhile wearing my Ozzy tee shirt.
I'm proud to be a country fan!
I'm proud to be a rock fan!
Most of all I'm proud that my niece has a diverse taste in music also.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Long Road

Sandyston, New Jersey
May 2013
"Never give up and good luck will find you"
~Falcor- Never Ending Story~
I took this picture one day when I was going to meet up with Jeff.
I always loved the first leaf's of spring,
They have this lime green color and the tree bark is getting dark.
You have this amazing feeling driving through these woods,
The land is rough and wild and seems so untouched.
But 40 years ago houses could be found in these woods,
Towns existed and people had lives here.
Then our government decided to build a dam,
And flood all this amazing land.
But true American stubbornness won out.
And even though many families sold out and moved,
Some held on and got to keep their land.
Now it is a combination of private, state and federal protected land.
Land for us to hike on, fish on, and hunt on.
And as you wander through the woods,
You come across someone's home.