Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Sussex County Week 3

Lakes and Planes!
I have two great loves since childhood.
I love water preferable fresh water.
I love things that are man made that fly.
I grew up fishing and swimming in a lake in New York State.
I would sit on the rocks looking out over the water to calm my mind.
I would rush down with my fishing pole and radio to escape work.
I would jump in or row across as much as I was allowed.
I also grew up sitting in my back yard watching the planes.
On average we would have a new plane over our property every 15 seconds.
Big planes, little planes, helicopters and blimps.
I even became an aircraft mechanic because of this love.
So imagine my joy when Jeff introduced me to Lake Aeroflex.
Nestled in the heart of Andover this lake takes your breath away.
Then the antique planes start to take off and land.
It is like going back in time of the great classic movies.
You lose yourself in the quietness of the lake and all that nature truly is.
Then in the distance you see a plane coming closer and lower.
The beauty of the movement brings you to a time long ago.
It is a simple sight that I can only find here in Sussex County.

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